Thursday, August 22, 2013

Oracle Weblogic Server Series : Feature 1 – Dynamic Clusters

What Are Dynamic Clusters ?

A dynamic cluster is any cluster that contains one or more dynamic servers. Dynamic clusters are started by using the single shared server template. We can use the server template to specify the heap configuration (xms, xmx, permsize), Classpath and Server startup arguments.


With Dynamic clusters it is now very easy to scale up the number of server instances in a domain. When configuring the dynamic cluster, you can specify the number of server instances. When you need additional server capacity, you can then start a server instance without having to first manually configure it and add it to the cluster.

1] Create a Dynamic Cluster


2] Specify the number of Dynamic servers, Server name prefix and Server Template for all the dynamic servers.


3] Specify the starting Listening and SSL Listening port of the managed servers, it will increment the ports automatically.


4] Notice the servers tab, there we can see the number of dynamic servers specified with mentioned server name prefix and port numbers.


5] All the servers are assigned to a single machine, so that we can start the managed servers from weblogic admin console itself using “Node Manager”.

à Start the Node Manager using the script available in {DOMAIN_HOME}/bin directory.


Note: Configuration and starting up of the Node Manager is simplified in weblogic version. Hello Oracle, really thanks for that!!

6] All the servers are started successfully, without any issues using the “Node Manager”.


7] Alas!! You have started around 7 managed servers with minimum Heap Size (-Xms) of 256MB. Please shutdown some of them using the nodemanger from admin console, otherwise you might face heavy slowness in couple of minutes.



That’s it !! You have set up a dynamic clusters setup in your environment which introduced in Webogic version. In the forthcoming post we will discuss about  “Elastic JMS servers” .

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